Risk Factors for a Heart Attack - immigrant.com.tw

Risk Factors for a Heart Attack - has

Just type it in the box below. Or copy link. A majority of deaths are due to CVDs are due to heart attack and stroke. When compared to AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, CVDs are responsible for 46 times the overall causes of death and 11 times the burden of disease. In this article, we discuss the different types of heart attacks and what you can do to prevent them. Risk Factors for a Heart Attack. Risk Factors for a Heart Attack

The choices you make today can impact your long-term health, wealth and happiness. Understand the important role Life Insurance can play in key life events. Heart disease is a term often used interchangeably with cardiovascular diseases.

Risk Factors for a Heart Attack

These cardiovascular conditions generally refer to instances of narrowed and blocked blood vessels, a very serious condition that can considerably increase the risk of a heart attack. In line with the rest of the world, heart disease is the biggest killer of men and women in Australia.

This major health event can strike at any time and although symptoms in men source women can be similar, there are some distinctions to be aware of.

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It is essential that once you reach a certain age you are familiar with some of these signs. Knowing what can cause a heart attack and what to do in the event of it happening to you or a loved one can be the difference between life and death. The most common type of heart attack symptom for women is the onset of some type of pain, pressure or discomfort in the chest.

Risk Factors for a Heart Attack

Interestingly, this pain may not always be particularly severe. It is even possible for a woman to experience a heart attack without feeling any chest pain at all.

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It is important to note that these symptoms can be a lot more subtle than the obvious crushing chest pain that you would expect to be associated with a heart attack. The reason for this is that women often tend to develop blockages in the smaller arteries that supply blood to the heart. It has been noted that women may experience the symptoms of a heart attack when they are resting, or even asleep. Mental stress is recognised as a common trigger.

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It is essential that you seek out medical assistance if you suspect you have symptoms which could be those of a heart attack. Even if they appear mild, this does not mean that they could not rapidly increase in seriousness. Knowing what some of the tell-tale signs of a heart attack are is clearly useful and this kind of knowledge can potentially save lives. It is also true, however, that you should never play down your own fears if the feelings you are having do not directly connect to any of the most common symptoms.]

One thought on “Risk Factors for a Heart Attack

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