

澳洲代理移民、公民、移民服務和多元文化事務部長Alan Tudge辦公室於2020年12月17日發佈訊息,為了幫助澳洲經濟的恢復和發展,將對澳洲現有的商業投資移民政策進行重大調整。(具體內容仍須以未來官網實際公布為準)


商業和投資簽證的名額數量,將從2019- 2020年的6862個增加至2020-2021年的13500個名額。




  1. 1.商業投資簽證將由9種類別減少為4個,各類申請資格要求也會有所改變


  • Business Innovation, 商業創新簽證;

  • Entrepreneur,企業家簽證;

  • Investor,投資者簽證;

  • Significant Investor.重大投資者簽證。



  • Provisional visa holders in all four streams will be able to apply for permanent residence if they meet the requirements after three years, but the provisional visa will now be valid for five years, meaning they have additional time to meet the requirements.


  1. 2.188A商業創新類簽證門檻提高


    1. 188A具體變化包括:

    2. 家庭淨資產80萬澳幣,提高為125萬澳幣;

    3. 年營業額50萬澳幣,提高為75萬澳幣。

  • The requirements for Business Innovation visa holders will be increased to ensure the program is attracting migrants with proven business skills. Business Innovation visa holders will be required to hold business assets of $1.25 million (up from $800,000) and have an annual turnover of $750,000 (up from $500,000) to prove their business acumen. These settings have not changed since 2012 when the program was first introduced.


  1. 3.取消至尊投資移民簽證與132簽證

2021年7月1日起,1500萬澳幣的至尊投資移民簽證(Premium Investor),132A重要商業歷史簽證(Significant Business History)和132B風險投資企業家簽證(Venture Capital Entrepreneur)也將關閉,停止接受新的申請。已遞交案件則不受影響正常審理。


  • The Premium Investor, Significant Business History and Venture Capital Entrepreneur visas will be closed to new applications from 1 July 2021. Applications already lodged for these visas will still be processed.


  1. 4.放寬188E要求

188E企業家簽證(entrepreneur visa)申請人的現有20萬澳幣的投資要求將被取消。但申請人仍然需要得到州或領地政府的擔保。


  1. 5.188C暫無改變

188C (500萬顯赫投資移民簽證)的政策暫時沒有改變。但2021上半年也許將發佈新的政策。