Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease -

Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease

Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease - accept. interesting

CNN The number of people around the world who have cancer is "rapidly growing," with More Videos Cancer: The facts Story highlights Cancer is expected to be the No. By the end of the century, cancer will be the No. Cancer by the numbers. The researchers used data from countries, looking at all the places in the body cancer can occur and taking a deeper look at 36 types. Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease

Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease Video

Why lung cancer is one of disease's most deadly forms

The early symptoms of lung cancer may be a slight cough or shortness of breath, depending on which part of the lung is affected. As the cancer develops, these symptoms may become more severe or intense.

Advanced lung cancer symptoms

Like many other types of cancer, lung cancer may also cause systemic symptoms, like loss of appetite or general fatigue. Most lung cancers don't cause symptoms until the disease has advanced, in part because the lungs have few nerve endings. When lung cancer does cause signs Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease its early stages, they may vary from person to person but commonly include:.

Although most of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by something other than lung cancer, it's important to see a doctor. Discovering lung cancer early may mean more treatment options are available. Advanced stages of lung cancer are often characterized by the spread of the cancer to distant sites in Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease body. This may affect the bones, liver or brain. As other parts of the body are affected, new lung cancer symptoms may develop, including:. This may cause headaches or even seizures. Numbness or weakness in the arms and legs may occur if a large tumor begins to press against a nerve. Sometimes, tumors near the skin surface may appear as lumps.

Horner syndrome is a particular set of symptoms associated with nerve damage. The symptoms often affect one side of the face, causing a droopy eyelid and a reduction in the size of the pupil the dark center of the eye. Symptoms may include high blood calcium levels hypercalcemiaexcess bone growth or blood clots. Typically, symptoms of SCLC continue to evolve and worsen as the disease spreads to distant organs. Sometimes, SCLC can cause paraneoplastic Of The Ottoman Empire.

In October he disclosed that his diagnosis was terminal

While not always the case, these syndromes are often early signs of SCLC. Symptoms of paraneoplastic syndromes include muscle cramps, muscle Lung Cancer The Devastating Disease, elevation of calcium in the blood and clubbing, which refers to a change in the shape of the finger tips. Metastatic lung cancer symptoms depend on the part of the body to which the cancer has spread, as well as the size and location. Sometimes, metastatic disease may not cause any symptoms, though about 30 percent to 40 percent of people with lung cancer will have symptoms of metastasis.

Understanding when symptoms are a sign of something serious and either diagnosing the disease or confirming a previous diagnosis require expertise from specialists trained and experienced in treating lung cancer. Make a difference in the fight against cancer by donating to cancer research.

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Early warning signs of lung cancer

Call us anytime This page was updated on November 5, Lung cancer symptoms. Early warning signs of lung cancer Most lung cancers don't cause symptoms until the disease has advanced, in part because the lungs have few nerve endings. Chat with our team.]

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